i didn't tithe last month.
i did success save 58 dollars.
i steal from God.
i didn't give what is His proportion,
i took what belongs to Him.
i felt guilty at the first time but try to ignore it,
and just felt happy coz i can save some money.
Last Saturday, my cell group leader reminded us to tithe,
it was like a slap in the face.
Some of my cell group friends gave a testimony how they experience financial blessing because they are faithful to tithe.
i really want to feel His blessing,
i need a breakthrough.
Malachi 3: 10 said:
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse.....And try Me now in this,
If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it."
There's nothing to hard for God to bless us,
to give us what we want, what we need, even beyond that.
Do not need to worry our money will decrease in number.
In fact, God will protect it and bless us double portion, and even more.
So, last Sunday I gave my tithe for the month of October,
and miraculously, my dad increase my allowance, double size of my tithe!
See, isn't that God is good?
Don't get me wrong, my intention to tithe and give is not merely because of His blessing.
I am learning to be faithful,
even He does not bless me, i will always give.
because I want to,
because that is my part,
because He gave me first.
God knows my heart,
your heart,
our heart.
He knows.
He is good.
God is good all the time.
All the time God is good.
I am super glad I have a super God.
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